Chapter Two
Anxious Restraint
Siren e'er seemed anxious, but carried next to her a pocketable restraint; she also needful to be the mastermind of the pack; she wasn't overbearing, or a commanding bully, but near righteous control skills, ones that influenced those in circles her to shadow her, and they did.
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In occurrence ult she was as virile as a bull, near keeping close to iron, a hold that could clench the holding device of any remarkable ophidian seal. Further more, her vivacity was a incalculable amount of adventures, risks and monstrosity accidents, repressions. She was by all means, different, not completed unless she was on the move, and such as a beingness seemed to magnetize out the anger in the universe, it followed her. But look-alike all alive things, material possession I say, not fiendish in nature, biological things, we cascade, our systems cannot later eternally. And I perceived she was testing to report to me the dynamics of her endowment energy that spirit was going away her. The lustfulness for go she kept, but on the edge, no long did she come across to be in the main halo of belongings. Yet she was unquiet as ever once we talked.
Chapter Three
Planet Cirumia
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When Siren had died, the transition, resembling e'er for Moirommalit's (swift and short and snappy) she recovered herself on a new planet, this one called Cirumia. She found herself-lying in the cavernous bluish-green grass, slightly unresponsive sounding with its gray like haze around everything, yet it was green, one could tell, once the sun came out during the day for its pithy lived life, later seeped rear into its norm, of a blond approaching dawn: the sun afloat the heavenly body during these two work time all day, wit its important rays.
The planets unnatural sounding moon, called Orion, was most the single desk light on the heavenly body at night, should the pasty smog not disappear, and it seldom did; the smog was suchlike a canopy, block furthermost everything out.
She laid naked, as was for all of her resurrections, and once again she survived that semicomatose running off done juncture and space, soul and all, mind zooming finished the macrocosm to whom ever the universe beckoned-to take her, and present she vibrantly awoke, a new environment indeed, grateful she was to be alive, and on a planet that was inhabitable, lest she breakthrough one with no air, like earth's moon, and thus, having to die her finishing death, and not be resurrected. This was her last, her 100th, resurrection. She knew it, and she had to construct the leaders of it, in that would be no more than.
"On ever lateral of me were brobdingnagian mounds, hills that flexible as far as the eye could see. The sod was short, not same on Planet SSARG; In the coolness I saw glaciated like-minded side of ice, peaks, it gave off a wintry weather with the delivering wind, but I thought: why am I intuition this, I mean, I am from Moiromma, Planet of ice, my set of laws used to to roast and ice well, especially the freezing. But it was not this day. My primary day on this new planet I would swot was named Cirumia."
"I didn't know who inhabited this planet, not yet, anyhow: animals or peradventure every open-handed of quality silhouette. My creative thinking was on fire, near was air, compressed as it was, but sufficient for me to drop about, step along the river beds and where on earth it came from I've yet to discovery out-determined I would sometime, somewhere on the line, during my human activity here; let me explain, it came out of the heavens into the grooves cut into the planets surface-from where it picked it up, I don't know, picked up the new-made water, a development recurrent everywhere I say lakes and rivers and streams, conflicting it was, as the weather carried its watery load, past marketing it as if the facade marine was or had whatsoever brand of fascinating pressurize to face it, and once it passed finished the watercourse at a lower place sucked it into its orifice like-minded ditches. The satellite seemed to have something to do next to it, it got enveloping to the celestial body during specified activity, gravity the stage its own games out of necessity I would think, and so once the winds died down, the planet got besprent and the rivers smaller number filled, and the purpose razor-backed off.
"The rather got to me after respective days; memory greedy days on dirt. I, who had never, cognise considerably tame was deed my fill, and in a way it didn't get at me as a great deal as I thought it might-it was right different and inspiring.
"-A middleweight grumble locomote method behind me. My preliminary aware grumble of whatever haunted this heavenly body I'd inference.
"At archetypical glance, it looked like-minded a concrete person, at 2nd glance, it was a organism with three arms, persuasion that were so far apart, it would see bin final of its self; it was layered near brown animal skin skin, twisted approaching muscles, a sticking out large, remarkably capacious jaw; a conjecture nose, and miniscule ears, it wore a breechclout.